Tuesday 14 August 2012

August update

The activities since my last post have included:  moving locomotives and rolling stock more than once to allow work in a number of areas, filling and sanding back drop mounting screw holes and backdrop painting.

Moving locomotives & rolling  stock

I spent the best part of a day getting structures,locos & rolling stock off the layout in preparation for filling up screw holes and the backdrop joints.  Seen below is the gear" stacked up on the top level of the western wall.

Back drops

I made a fatal mistake after the track went down by running trains and my imagination kicked in and I forgot the rest for quite a while.

I finally made "the right" decision and got to do some work on  the backdrops before I did any more scenery at track level.

Filling & Sanding

The Monday night group boys Jim ,Barry & Chris came over to finish some filling and sanding down some bog in the joints.


Barry & Chris Put a splash of blue paint on the backdrops, what a difference it makes!.  See the photos that follow below.

Tunnel cut out

I thought  that I had better cut out the tunnel openings on the Sandgate & Southern end of the layout before I snag myself again regards the backdrop, at the moment clamps are holding it all tight while the glue goes off.

Radius Rods

Jim and I have cut out some radius rods for the folowing radii 42", 40", 38", 36", 34",30", 28", 26", 24" which will help with laying out the track work on the top level of the western wall.


Romeo, my sulphur crested cockatoo performs a racket for the naboure hood if he can't be with me.so I have him down in the cellar with me while I work,( we are both happy campers )


Sandgate at the moment has only been bogged up and sanded.

Western wall upper level

Painted back drop at the moment but is used for storage while we come up with a track plan & how we incorporate the scenery.

Northern wall

Looking over the island behind Sandgate to the northern wall can be seen in the back ground, is the station of Arlington.

Northeast corner

Eastern wall

Sky blue above Carbondale makes a difference

Sky blue above where Carbondale crusher # 2 would sit and start of helix which is on the right hand side.

Southern wall

Painted southern wall sky blue and stairway wall but for got to bog up screw holes

Painted east wall back drop where coal loader meets helix top

Until next time....

1 comment:

  1. Wow - the backdrop makes a huge difference. It's looking really good! (Beautiful bird, too. :) )
    The space that you have to work with makes me green with jealousy. It's amazing.
    And, grand that you have comments on now! I wanted to remark on your first post and drove myself mad looking for the comments button.
    Grand work!
